Enemy Combatant.

© 2004 Matuschka

The transfer of the movie script from 'Movie Magic' to html code has skewed the formatting. 
The original's formatting is perfect.
Here are the first 15 pages of the 90 page  manuscript.


            FADE IN



Four German antiaircraft guns are well dug in at the edge of a forest. The sound of mortar, anti-tank-guns and machineguns is mixed for the concert of warfare in the expanse of hills, field and forest. The GUNNER of the nearest 88 antiaircraft gun explains to ROBIN FREEMAN a California boy age 15 dressed in a German battle uniform. A machine gun hangs from his shoulder and hand grenades are strung from his belt as he sits at the firing control.


            You see that down there?

 The gunner points down to the valley where at the village entrance the street disappears behind the buildings. Robin is curious.

                         GUNNER cont.

The Americans have a pack of twenty Sherman tanks inside the village. When they break out they will be stuck on the causeway. The batteries down there will shoot the first and last ones first so they get blocked in and can’t get away. After that it’s a turkey-shoot.



So what are we doing up here?



Simple, we are here to get at any tank that is tough to get at from down there.


Robin is concerned, biting his lips, fidgeting. A CREW of FOUR young privates is bringing ammo, loading the gun and moving empty shells. The rest of the battery is hidden behind trees and earth walls. Netting is covering the guns against air attack.

                        GUNNER 1 cont.

I hear you got a couple of Russky T 34 s. (pause) Hey; maybe you can get a couple of these Shermans.

 Th gunner pauses with a speculative look at Robin. He smiles at him and adds with a smirk.

                                                GUNNER 2 cont.

                                                I got to go for a piss, you watch it meanwhile.

 He walks away. Robins face lights up. With a nod to himself he gets up on the gunners seat.

POV                Through the visor a Sherman tank’s front peeks out of the East End of a village half a mile away, and crosses a narrow bridge. Robin turns the wheel to lower elevation and with a flinch he pulls the lanyard which fires the anti aircraft gun. The Sherman’s chain explodes. A view of Robin at the gun shows him looking to make sure he has fired at the chain of the Sherman tank only.

The raised road coming out of the village, which is bordered by wetlands, is too soft for the tanks. The Sherman tank, which has lost its chain, is blocking the road for the tanks behind it. Only a second tank is seen in full, another has its barrel sticking past the first buildings of the village. The driver of the first tank that is hit, now is revving the engine so hard the unmuffled sound carries up to the battery of eighty eights.  The GUNNER of the Sherman tank aims the mounted fifty-caliber in the direction of the eighty-eight and pulls the trigger for a two-second burst.

SFX                  There is a painful cry from ELISABETH age 16. She has been hit. She is standing only ten feet from the eighty-eight Robin  has fired. She crumbles to the ground, blood gushing from arm and leg wounds. Robin hears the cry and turns back to her. Horrified he screams in anguish, jumps off the gunner’s seat, picks up his machinegun 42, aims with tear-streaked face, mouthing soundlessly, repeatedly ‘bastard’ at the Sherman tank and gives it three half-second bursts. While he shoots, the bullets harmlessly ricochet off the armor. The muzzle blast of the

SFX                  eighty-eight’s cover

SFX                  the screen and the first shot blows off the turret. The second or third shot tilts the tank over on its side and down the embankment. Robin runs to Elisabeth, pulling a first aid kit from his pocket. He ties her leg and arm to stop the bleeding.  HONKA age 25, in paratrooper fatigues has been munching a sandwich. He throws it aside, grabs helmet and machine pistol 44 and goes to help Robin take Elisabeth to the sidecar of a BMW motorbike in camouflage colors. All three are smeared with her blood and dirt from the field.

She is dropping in and out of consciousness. While Robin gently drops her into the sidecar’s opening, Elisabeth regains weak composure. She embraces him whispering repeatedly, weakly but emphatically.


I don’t hate you Robin. I don’t hate you Robin. I don’t hate you.

It’s Armageddon. Shells are exploding all around them.

SFX                  An oak tree falling over, bursts into flames. A shellhole opens up in the ground nearby. A couple of bikes are propelled into the air and a pile of ammo explodes. A kuebelwagen is hit and starts to burn. An arm, and parts of a head, falls near them. Repeatedly they are showered with debris. Half a sandwich lands on Elisabeth. Robin brushes it off her, while dividing his attention between Honka, Elisabeth and the exploding world around them all with a sense of acceptance.

Honka waves Robin into the sidecar while he, time after time, tries to start the BMW motorbike. Robin grabs his machinegun 42 and hangs it over his shoulder before he gets into the sidecar with Elisabeth. Silver sergeants’ stripes on Honkas shoulder identify him as a feldwebel. Robin is impatient and yells at Honka


            Damn it, Honka, hurry up.

Finally Honka starts the engine and after a short look around the bike, which is being hit by dirt and branches, he takes off like a bat out of hell, barely avoiding three new shellholes that open up in their path along the dirt road.


Honka races the bike to the north at breakneck speed. Deftly he avoids rocks, tree trunks and deep potholes, but they get splashed repeatedly by dirt and water.

SFX                  Three times the explosions throw up dust hiding the three from sight; so it seems at times that they have been killed for sure. In the sidecar Robin has Elisabeth in his arms. Both are getting bloodier by the minute. His flapping tunic only partially hides the decorations, an iron cross, Verwundeten-spange and the Nahkampf-spange.

Robin’s helmet is askew. Tears run down his cheeks, making tracks and grimaces show. He is swearing profusely through the grime and blood on his face.  Honka sees a German fieldcar coming toward them from the German side. He has almost made the turn in that direction and now in danger of turning the motorbike over

SFX                  he reverses direction by twisting the wheel full to the left without reducing his speed and turns west to the American side instead. Robin is caught by surprise, but has no time to complain. He is busy securing Elisabeth, who is almost torn from his grasp, before he yells at Honka with excitement and surprise at the change in direction. Over his shoulder Honka points east with his thumb for Robin to look. That is when Robin twisting his head to the rear too, sees the camouflaged Kuebelwagen coming out of a cloud of dust and dirt from an exploding artillery shell, from the east with KRAUSE the driver and SS captain STOERTEBEKER driving toward the three in the motorbike. They are still way behind. 



Honka, Robin and Elisabeth on the bike and sidecar are racing down to the river.


POV                Across the river an American SNIPER takes aim at Robin on the speeding motorbike. He shakes his head in disbelieve and swears under his breath at the audacity of the driver.



A shot rings out.


Honka slumps forward with blood spreading on his back. Robin turns to look at Honka and new concern spreads across his face when he sees the wound. Halfway into the river Honka manages to stop the motorbike. With a look at Robin he motions him to get out and go on. Honka attempts to speak but only foaming blood comes from mouth and nose. Robin looks at him with concern wanting to help, but Honka waves him on.


POV                The American sniper is aiming at Robin through his scope and hesitates to shoot when he sees the boy lifting the blooddrenched Elisabeth from the sidecar. Stunned he watches the tall boy in German uniform bring the lifeless girl through the water. For a moment he is undecided about shooting the enemy with the bleeding girl in his arms. He listens with amazement when he hears Robin talk in his direction.


                                    Hey, I need some help here.

First he is undecided, then, with a shrug of his shoulders, he walks out of his well covered position, over to the blood drenched German with his gun at the ready and frequent looks to the German side. Robin is stuck at the riverbank, which is too steep and high for him to be able to get up carrying Elisabeth. Robin looks up at the sniper with an open mouth.


                                    For Christ’s sake give me a hand.

                        The sniper is stunned. Shaking his head he reluctantly shoulders his gun and reaches down to help Robin.


You are mad buddy, wearing that German uniform?

                         He is still puzzled at Robin’s getup.

                                                SNIPER cont.

How did you escape from the Krauts? What unit are you from?

                        Robin is out of breath, coughing while slipping repeatedly in the muck.


Long story, will you carry my gun?


Robin nods at the machinegun still hanging from his shoulder. The sniper obliges giving the weapon some close attention before he shoulders it beside his rifle. Then scrutinizes Robin and Elisabeth.


            You must be crazy. I almost shot you back there.

                        They are getting on stable ground and Robin gets his wind back. He gives the sniper a doubtful look.


You just shot Honka. Yesterday Honka saved a bunch of your guys life’s.

The sniper still unsure helps the stumbling Robin, even keeping him from dropping the girl. He is querulous. The three disappear in the bushes to the rear of the American lines. The explosions of artillery shells and infantry fire interrupt the sounds of two people walking


OC       Okay Mack so what happened?


OC       It’s a long story. My mom and I got stuck here.

Robins voice fades out after the new scene of the battle field fades in.

                                                            DISSOLVE TO

            FADE IN


ROSE, age 30, the mother of ROBIN age 12 stands at the end of a line a hundred PEOPLE waiting to buy Railroad tickets. Through the window at the railroad platform a sign shows. CLOSE ON   ‘Express Train to Zurich departure at 15:35.’

CLOSE ON clock shows eight O’clock a. m. A German police OFFICER age 30 wearing the schako, and two German MILITARY POLICE MEN age 50, with the Metal shield hanging from their neck are hustling two people off the station platform.



CLOSE ON clock three thirty. The line is gone, Rose is at the window listening to the uniformed TICKET AGENT age 50.

                                     TICKET AGENT

Sorry Miss there are no more tickets, this train is all reserved.


But its very urgent for us to get to Zürich today, we are being expected.

 The agent shows sympathy for Rose but patiently, repeats himself pointing to the train which starts pulling out of the station.

                        TICKET AGENT

You are too late Fräulein.

Rose shrugs with despair in her eyes she picks up her small suitcase and her large handbag with one hand with the other hand she grabs Robin’s unwilling arm pulling him along to leave. The policeman is checking a COUPLE’S papers.


As Rose and Robin leave, the cop gives them a cursory glance, which makes Rose nervous and jittery. The two German MILITARY POLICEMEN age 50 joined now by a GESTAPO COP age 30, in a dark leather topcoat have cornered three CIVILIANS. The gestapo cop gives Rose a glance that again increases her anxiety. She pulls Robin along with force and speed.

CLOSE ON calendar date 1 December 1941.

                                                                                                                        DISSOLVE TO


 Rose tugs on Robin’s arm pulling him into a second hand store.

CLOSE ON steamer trunk is on display among other stuff in the window.

A horsedrawn wagon comes down the street on the other side.



The rear of the wagon disappears on the downside. Rose and Robin come out of the store carrying the steamer trunk by its handles.   

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


Robin sits on the steamer trunk and Rose is at the counter. The TICKET AGENT age 60, leaves through a wad of papers and then head shaking opens his reservation book giving Rose an occasional look he scratches his head, his chin and nose in consternation.

TICKET AGENT                    

Mrs. Connors I’ve looked everywhere I can’t find your reservations. {looks up} We have a war going on all my good people have been conscripted into the Wehrmacht; the help I am getting nowadays is quite useless.

Rose is frantic, her eyes fly from Robin on the trunk to the ticket agent.


What am I going to do? My husband is coming to pick us up at the harbor.

Robin is mostly looking at the people milling about with an occasional glance for his fibbing mother. Rose looks for understanding and help to the man.  Some compassion comes to his face as he leans forward, he tries to calm her fears.

                                    TICKET AGENT

Mrs. Connors I’ll get you on the next ship by hook or by crook. That’s next week and you get the Shippingline to send a cable to your husband telling him the new date of arrival, okay?

            Rose throws up her hands in despair and explains.


It’ll be too late to stop him. He must have left already. Is there nothing we can do to get us on this ship?

The ticket agent shows feeling for pretty Rose Connors but he shrugs his shoulder.

                        TICKET AGENT

I’ll put you two down for the ship next Monday.  Tomorrow we’ll send that cable for you. Okay?

             Rose nods at the man and pats Robin on the head.


Thank you, I guess that’ll have to do. Is there no ship leaving earlier than that?

The ticket agent shakes his head regretfully. Rose motions for Robin to get up and they take the trunk and go for a taxi at the curb.

                                                                                                                                  DISSOLVE TO


Rose and Robin are having dinner among twenty dinner GUESTS. A WAITER age 40 in tuxedo and black tie, serves Rose and Robin their dessert. The music from the radio stops and an announcer comes on.

                         OC.      ANNOUNCER [filtered]

We interrupt this program for important news. The Japanese Imperial Fleet has commenced an attack on Pearl Harbor this morning Pacific time. Heavy Damage and loss of life has been reported from the devastating bombing that caught the American Pacific fleet unawares. A state of war exists now between Germany and the United States of America. End of news.


            CLOSE IN calendar date 8. 12 1941

The music resumes. Rose turns pale early on with the news. She looks trapped and anxious as not ever before, dropping her spoon and trying to retrieve her napkin, which keeps falling off her lap. She knocks over her waterglass.


Hey mom, does this mean the Germans here are gonna fight with us?

 Rose tries to hush him up waving a no no at him with finger to her lips.


Robin no more of this now, from now on you must only speak German.

             Robin while eating his dessert shakes his head with a puzzled, questioning face.


Why mom, I mean we are not soldiers. Are we gonna go home quickly now? Is dad going to come over here and fight with grandpa? That’s dumb, mom.

Robin screws up his face in a disbelieving smirk. Rose turns to watch if people are listening to her son. No one seems to pay attention. The room is alive with excited discussions. People smile at each other with disbelief and surprise in their faces. One man somewhat drunk gets up, Bierstein in his hand singing a march in a loud voice. Nobody pays him any attention except the server who tries to hush him.


Robin quit asking questions. I’ve already tried trains and ships. We can’t spread wings and fly to San Francisco?

 Robin, still excited, waves his arms, moving his hand like an airplane making motor noises.


Oh Yea mom, with a flying boat right under the Golden Gate Bridge.

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


 A MAILMAN, age 22, on a bike turns into the driveway up to the von Trenck mansion. He rings his bike’s bell. ELISABETH the maid, age 13, in black dress and white apron comes out and takes two letters from him. He tries to hold on to her hand. She has a derisive laugh for him. His attempt to catch her hand again is futile.


                        HA! No you don’t. 

             The mailman shrugs his shoulder with a negligent air.


I may not be out this way for days.

             The maid nods at him with a sad face. She waves her hand at the estate biting on her lips.


                        I can go for a walk tonight, maybe?

 He blinks his eye mischievously at her, nodding he turns his bike and rides off down the driveway. Thoughtfully she looks after him.

                                                                                                            DISSOLVE TO


The thousand square foot room has a beamed twelve-foot ceiling. An eight-foot high fireplace is built into the inside wall. Goldframed eight foot mirrors hang between the windows, the depth of the windows shows the walls to be two foot deep, it is furnished with antique Persian rugs, heavy large carved wood pieces, deep upholstered chairs and chesterfields and paintings. Herr VON TRENCK age 60, is reading a leather-bound book when he receives the two letters from the maid on a silver tray, he opens them on the open book on his lap as she leaves.

                        VON TRENCK

            Look MARIA, mail from Rose.


Maria, age 50, who has been hidden by the high back chair till now, stops knitting, looks at him while he reads the letter for a moment, shakes his head with concern. He draws air through his teeth with apprehension. It makes a sound like a squealing mouse.

                        VON TRENCK cont.

Not good, not good. Rose and little Robin are stuck here in Germany, didn’t make it back to America, and that with war declared now.


Oh my God, her husband will be worried sick.


She is coming to stay here, she says. Will you tell the girl to get two rooms ready for them.


But dear, the boy has to go to school. 

             Von Trenck nods his head thoughtfully.

                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


 Maria, Von Trenck, Rose and Robin are having dinner. The maid is serving. All are quiet over soup. Then the maid collects the plates and conversation starts.

                        VON TRENCK

We have a problem. You, Rose, will be practically invisible here. People here know you from your childhood.

But Robin, he has to go to school or someone will sooner or later get nosy about him.


I tried everything to get us out, back to safety Daddy. I am at the end of my wits.

                                     VON TRENCK

I know sweetheart, I know, it’s too bad.


Your father has an idea as far as Robin is concerned.  Albert is in charge of the Theresianum military academy; your dad and he are friends.

                         VON TRENCK

Yes, the colonel is the school’s principal. So, that’s where we can hide Robin. 

 Robin looks curiously from his mother to his grandparents. Rose listens with an intense face.


Yes, of course it is a NAPOLA. He will wear their uniform with the swastika armband. It is the perfect hiding place.

 Von Trenck nods as if to verify the facts, then turns to Robin. Rose listens with a puzzled expression.


            What is a NAPOLA? I’ve never heard of such a thing.


Rose, listen to me, no one will discover him there.


The only snag is he has to pass an entrance examination.  Are you up to it Robin?

            Maria looks at Robin. Robin gives his mother a questioning look.


What will it be, my math is good, English should be a farce, no?

             Rose nods in agreement.

                                     VON TRENCK

The important part of the test is for physical strength and courage. Careful with your English, don’t be a showoff.

             The old Trenck eyes his grandson with an appraising eye.


I am so worried. How tough is it?


                        Okay its settled then. I pray they don’t find out.

             Maria nods at Robin with her finger to her lips.


I’ll keep my mouth shut grandma, it should be a blast. Wait till I tell dad about that.

             Robin clamps his mouth shut biting his lips.

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


The Theresianum, a castle which the Empress, in the eighteenth century turned into a military cadet school, is in Vienna today’s Austria

A bell rings in the windowed guardroom inside the gate. A GUARD in infantry uniform pushes a button.

The electric lock emits a loud noise. Pushing the door open Rose and Robin enter the castleschools entry hall.

            Rose looks up at a sign. Robin follows her gaze.

CLOSE ON sign at guardroom. Applicant testing. First floor. Robin looks at the sign nods his head and turns to Rose.


            This means upstairs mom?


            Yes Robin first floor is one flight up.

            The two walk up the stairs.
                                                                                                                                   DISSOLVE TO


Rose sits at a desk and fills out a form with the eagle and swastika printed at the top. A SOLDIER in German army uniform with sergeant’s silver edged shoulderstraps sits behind another desk with two piles of applications. Rose signs at the bottom of the last page and hands the form to the sergeant.



 The door opens, a BOY in Hitler Youth uniform with dagger comes in and salutes. He sees a hand sign from the sergeant indicating Robin and turns to him.


Heil Hitler, you, come with me.


Heil Hitler.

 He turns in marchstep and leaves. Robin gives Rose a funny, grim look, then they both smile and he follows the boy out. Rose gets up and raises her arm in greeting.


 Heil Hitler!


            Heil Hitler, Frau Connors.

The sergeant salutes her as she leaves the office before he returns to his paperwork.

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


Outside the school’s castle gate she turns to give the place a last look before she crosses the street for the bus stop.

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


 The instructor SERGEANT points a riding whip at a picture of a horse on the blackboard  quickly naming the parts of the animal.


Horses head, forelegs, belly, neck, rump, hindlegs and the horses tail.

 Robin yawns quickly covers his mouth with his hand. The instructor points to him.

                         SERGEANT cont.

Collins, may we have your attention. Or does this bore you?

             The class snickers, Robin straightens up quickly and then gets up to stand at attention.


                        No sir. That is yes sir and no sir to the second question.

             The instructor waits for the snicker to stop. The slightest nod at Robin.


All right Collins sit down. We’ll go to the stables now. You will get closer acquainted with this animal. Very closely I assure you. Attention.

             20 cadets form up three deep and march on command.


Turn right, Abteilung march. Left, left, one, two, three four.

 The sergeant walks to the door. Let’s them pass and then follows the troupe       

                                                                                                                                    DISSOLVE TO


Four horses are saddled. There are three CORPORALS age 20, handlers, all wearing ridingbritches. By that time the boys are getting somewhat used to the horses with a variety of reactions, most of them show ignorant curiosity, extra fear of the horses and approaching them from the right, they obviously have never seen a riding horse saddled up.



You only approach a horse from in front or the left side unless you want to be kicked in the head that is. The horse handlers will show you how to hold and mount a horse.


The boys on the wrong side cautiously back off while the sergeant instructs the unit of boys,

Robin steps up to a gelding and watches while the handler checks the

CLOSE ON      saddle-cinch, tightening it by one notch. He holds the

CLOSE ON      stirrup out, to check its length, he shortens it by four notches hands the reins to Robin on the left, then steps out of view to the right. He is back on the left

CLOSE ON      now starting to pay attention to Robin, but doesn’t say a word, only watches the boy.

Robin steps close to the stirrup puts his left foot into it and gives the

POV.               handler a questioning look. When nothing is said he grabs a hold of the saddle and pulls himself up. The horse dances and bucks. Robin tries to hold on but after some fight with the horse he is thrown.



            Are you trying to be a little ahead of us there?



Yes Sergeant. This boy is eager.

 The sergeant has a smirk on his face now.


That’ll teach you a lesson.

 The sergeant steps close and watches Robin getting up from the ground dusting and cleaning his clothes.

                         SERGEANT cont.

            So we have a smart-ass. Well, try again Connors.

 He takes the reins of the only stallion and rides out ahead of Robin whom he motions to mount and follow him as he moves out of the rink. Robin gets up while the handler holds the horse tightly, he gets back up on the horse and follows the sergeant.


There are some extra high hurdles the other side of the clearing. That’s where he is headed.

He throws a look at Robin and heads for these at a full gallop. The hurdles look awfully high when they get close. Robin catches up with the Sergeant and they take the hurdles side by side one after the other the last one has a ditch behind and the sergeant gives his Stallion both spurs and the whip. With the heavy load of the large man the horse is slightly nervous but one more urging keeps it in line. They both clear the hurdle fine. Robin’s horse stumbles and takes a fall. The sergeant slows after the jump and turns back to the fallen Robin, who is getting up checking his dirty uniform. He gets off his horse.


Sergeant it wasn’t my riding close the way I did that fouled my jump.

 The sergeant checks the horses’ legs. When satisfied he straightens up.


No Robin, your horse knew better. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you.

 Robin bites his lips with a worried look at the man, but the instructor gets back up on the Stallion not really interested, he takes off back to the stable with Robin, who has mounted again following.                                                                                                                                        DISSOLVE TO


Robin and twenty STUDENTS in darkblue uniforms of the Napola are aiming military rifles at their targets. A SERGEANT and a CORPORAL are supervising. There are five shots for each boy. The targets are numbered, as are the firing benches. Robin is at number four

POV.               Robin looks through the sight at the target. The firing continues for a while. He sets down the carbine.  The CORPORAL at the targets walks from target to target and calls the hits.


Two black two fives, One black three fours, Zero, One black one seven.

 He stops at Robins target, shakes his head.

CLOSE ON      He sticks his finger into a hole at the edge of the target.

                         CORPORAL cont.

            I don’t know. Could be two, or three, at the edge.

 The Sergeant looks at the ground and shakes his head a bit.


            Come on Luther, wake up.

 The corporal gives the sergeant a look of disgust and rips the target down, walks to the firing benches.


OK sergeant, what is this? You think my eyesight is bad.

 He bends to pick up a rock to secure the paper-target on the bench.

POV.               CLOSE ON the target sheet which

has one small hole in it consisting of a tightly connected number of almost one centimeter big holes.

                        The instructors look at each other making faces. The sergeant is dubious.


                                    Did you forget to put up a new target?

                         The corporal is miffed. He looks around for someone to commiserate.


                                    I don’t save this stuff in my closet.

                         The sergeant looks from the corporal to Robin. With a lot of puzzlement he looks the boy over biting his lower lip. Then he turns to the corporal in a low voice.


He is hogwild but he may be all right with some discipline.

             He turns to Robin nodding after giving the corporal a look.

                                     SERGEANT cont.

We will turn you boys into men, and you too Connors will become a good shot I promise.

 The Corporal looks at Robin.


            Say Robin how is your eyesight?

 Robin opens his mouth to speak. He closes his mouth swallowing with a tense, unsure expression, then seeing the corporal still waiting for an answer.


            I think it’s all right corporal.

 The corporal nods with satisfaction at the sergeant.


I say we have a boy here who will have to learn a lot.

             The sergeant gives Robin a piercing look.


                        Or a washout.

                                                                                                                       DISSOLVE TO


 The class of boys from the riflerange is here. They have an assortment of handgrenades with and without handles. Now that the boys are standing up it shows that Robin’s blond head is inches taller than the others. The Sergeant is watching while the Corporal is showing the use of the grenades.



This is a dangerous piece of fighting equipment. Do not touch it till you know how.

 He yells the last at a boy who has pulled the tape half off.

Some of the boys snicker while handling the egg grenades. The sergeant and the corporal exchange a look, while Robin is watching the corporal’s hands, who with a slight nod at the sergeant pulls the pin of the grenade in his hand and slowly tosses it fifty feet in front into a shallow depression.

POV.               Robin can not see the depression.

He takes a step back to get behind the corporal, watching the corporal with a quizzical look. The explosion stops the students jabber.

                         CORPORAL cont. 1

Just a warning to show you what happens when you get too smug.

 The sergeant turns to look at Robin with a slight laugh, steps away, then turns to the class with a serious voice he admonishes them. 

The corporal motions to Robin and three other students to join him. Robin walks up to him and grasps the grenade the corporal offers to him.

                                     CORPORAL cont. 2

All right now Robin, show us how you’ll use this. Over there you see three ditches, each has a machinegun emplacement which you can recognize by the half circle trench behind it. Why Robin is that trench in a half circle?