Through Folded Space
                                                        Time Dilation.

                                                                    © 2004 Matuschka

                                            Here are the first 22 pages of the 64 page movie script.

                                        The transfer to html has changed the formatting, which is fine in the original




SFX                  CHAKOTAY is walking along the corridor towards the turbolift.  There is a sizzling sound on the wall next to him.  It is the sound of multiple phasers’ fire on the wall covering panel.  Chakotay’s eyes flick to the wall, he steps close and carefully touches the burn spots to reassure himself.  Then he quickly looks up and down the hallway to look for the source.  There are TWO CREWMEMBERS walking towards the turbolift engaged in a conversation.  Once more, a puzzled Chakotay turns to check the discolorations.  For two seconds he shakes his head pulling a face.  He taps his badge.



                    Chakotay to security.  Phasers were fired at this location [pause] ten seconds ago.  No point of origin is visible.                          Check it out.  I’ll be on the bridge. 


Chakotay enters the turbolift; the door closes on him.




The bridge is empty except for Chakotay, PARIS and VOREK, who are busy at their stations.



Mister Chakotay we have checked the phaser-burns on deck three.  The time of its occurrence matches your call to us.  The direction of trajectory appears to be from the turbolift, yet there is no record of a firing of any weapon on Voyager.  Can you shed light on this? 



No, I can’t.  Is any incident of this kind on record?



No Sir.



Let me know if there is a recurrence.  Out.


CAPTAIN JANEWAY enters the bridge.  The computer announces.



Captain on the bridge.


The captain smiles at Chakotay as she approaches her station.  When she gets close, she confides in a low voice.



Good idea this phaser burn business; we’ve all been too relaxed.


Chakotay gives the captain a puzzled look pointing a finger at his chest with a slight shake of his head.  The captain sits down looking at Chakotay whimsically.



Then who? 


Chakotay gives her a shrug.  The captain gets busy.  Chakotay speaks in a low voice.



It beats me Captain.  If it wasn’t you [pause] well I’ve got security checking on it. 

XXXX                          insert page #22  second half  + page #26second half + #27  #28 #29 to DISSOLVE TO  at last paragraph         page#32 INT CARGO BAY +#33+# 34




SFX                  HUANA, a woman who is twentyish but her gray face makes her look more like forty, floats in an upside down pool on the ceiling, playing with a one-meter diameter, glass clear, beach ball.  The furniture is made of blown up bubbles.  The walls are sheer and the outside can be seen with its lawn, bushes, trees and a walkway of white gravel.  HOPPEL, a twenty-year-old man in a terrycloth-robe, comes to the building.  Hoppel’s skin has zebra-striped tattoos.  He walks through the clear wall without slowing down, then stops inside looking up at Huana, nodding his head in approval.



Hello Huana, you are doing so well, I think I can take off for a while.  You keep up with your progress and you may have free action soon. 


SFX                  Huana floats down to Hoppel, her summery dress, which had stuck to her as if glued, dries instantly and fluffs out.  She kisses his eye excitedly, while he looks on her with approval.  Hoppel kisses her shoulder.



Hoppel you are such a dear.  Do you really think so? 


Hoppel nods at her seriously.  Puzzled he looks at her dress tilting his head, squeezing his eyelids. 



It certainly looks like you are nearly there.  Why are you wearing dresses in the pool?  [He waves away the question] I’ll give you roving privileges for the Milky Way; but that’s it for the time being; and don’t disturb the evolving species any more. 


Huana presses Hoppel’s head to her breast kissing his ear.



You are such a dear and I have been out of circulation for ages.  Can I have my tec-suit please?


Hoppel nods at Huana, puts his two index fingers to her head for two seconds.  He gives her a short look, then pulls back smiling with compressed lips



It’s at your bedside.  Don’t lose it. 



Ha, ha, ha.  Oh dear, of course not. 



Well, tata. 


SFX                  Hoppel thins out winking at Huana and she waves farewell.




The room I covered with twenty-foot high spherical ceiling, its walls look like etched glass. It has an eight by ten-foot hammock in the center, suspended by spiderweb thin threads.  A pink glowing one-centimeter cube hangs in the air.  Huana stretches her hand, palm up, towards it till it fades and her head takes on the same pink glow for just one second.  A complex, metallic, dull, three-foot long toy, half like a saxophone, half like a machinegun floats to her and stays there without visible strap under her arm.  Huana focuses at either end for a second, four lights come on and saxophone music fills the room


SFX                  HUANA breathes in deeply, closing her eyes, opening her arms wide as if to embrace an elephant.  She opens her eyes to see the room fade as the Milky Way surrounds her.  A glowing point in the Delta Quadrant seems to pulse brighter than the other glowing points.  Huana stretches her arm out to it and streaks towards it for two seconds.




SFX                  She comes to a standstill just outside the Voyager’s hull.  Her eyes inspect the strange artifact for a second then she floats close to touching distance.  She touches the instrument under her arm and the music stops.  Now she smoothly walks through the ship’s hullside.



SFX                  There is a faint glow, which lets a sleeping figure in a bunk be just barely visible.  Huana strides on.  In the darkness of the bedrooms she slowly walks through three more bulkheads. 

                                                                                                                        DISSOLVE TO


SFX                  Huana stops with only her face protruding from the bulkhead in the corridor four meters from the turbolift next to the phaser burns. TUVOK and FOUR SECURITY OFFICERS are walking away from the phaser burn.  The security officers are tense.  One slaps his phaser.



This is the darndest thing.  Unnerving to think there is some dangerous lunatic on the ship who can shoot and leave no record of when and where from.


SFX                  Huana walks out of the wall behind the four. There is a scratching sound as Huana sets foot on the deck.  The security officers turns, drawing their phasers they shoot, as their eyes fall on Huana’s ominous looking toy.  It appears to point at them.  Huana smiles friendly at them.  There is absolutely no effect on her from the weapon’s discharge. 


Tuvok steps aside to get a good look at the lines of fire from the phasers to Huana and then he steps aside.

POV                He can see the spots with the phaser burns in line with the weapons in the officer’s hands.  After one thoughtful look he turns to the security officer with exhilaration on his face



Ah there it is, [pause] she shifted your phaser fire back in time. Fantastic!


Tuvok turns to Huana.


TUVOK [cont.]

How did you do that?


Tuvok puts his hand on two of the phasers pushing them down.  The security guards inspect the weapons with chagrin before they put them away still with some embarrassment. Huana opens her mouth to respond, closes it slowly before she answers shaking her head.



We do not know.



Who are you?  Where did you come from?


Huana smiles sweetly at Tuvok.  She opens her arm towards him, her toy stays in the space under her arm.



I am Huana.  [Half questioning] You are [pause] a developing species.[ her arms drop ]  So sorry,  I’ll leave.


Huana turns away and lifts a foot.



No Huana, please, don’t leave yet.


Huana turns back to Tuvok smiling at him waving her hand at the five.



No, Tuvok, I am sick and I may just do you harm.  I would never forgive myself.


Huana is sweet, apologetic and flirtatious.  Tuvok is puzzled and ill at ease. 



How do you know my name?



How come she speaks English?


SFX                  Tuvok touches his badge shaking his head.   Huana steps close to Tuvok, she touches his hand then his face.  When one security guard tries to take hold of her arm his hand moves through her arm without resistance, as if she were a hologram.  The surprise makes him grunt [HMM].  Tuvok touches his badge.



Tuvok to bridge.  How come there was no intruder alarm?


DISSOLVE TO           


The Captain, CHAKOTAY, KIM, TORRES, PARIS and VOREK are on the bridge.  Chakotay is at engineering inspecting the panels.



Mister Tuvok, why the question?



OC                               We have a visitor captain.  A lady, to be sure, who appears to be impervious to phaser fire. 


The captain’s eyes open wide with interest.



Why, Mister Tuvok, this is very interesting.  Please bring her up to the bridge? 


Janeway turns to Vorek.



Do a systems check Mister Vorek. 


Vorek gets busy with his control board.



                                    All systems ninety-nine point eight percent Captain.






Huana, Tuvok, and the security officers are still looking each other over.

Tuvok gives Huana a doubtful look.



I’ll try captain.


Tuvok motions for Huana to follow him to the turbolift.  She smiles at him and takes his arm and leans to him touching his cheek with her cheek.  The security officer shakes his head doubtfully.


HUANA [cheerfully]

Agreed, I come with you.




The turbolift door opens and everyone on the bridge turns to look at Huana and Tuvok.



Ah there you are.  That wasn’t difficult.



She is just too pretty for my taste.


Letting go of Tuvok’s arm Huana gives Torres a great smile.  Tuvok shakes his head at the Captain then looks at Torres.  He waves a hand at Huana.



Captain, this is Miss Huana, our visitor.


The Captain looks Huana over with a speculative look in her eyes.



Welcome on board the Voyager.  I am Captain Janeway.  Can you come and go as you please or are you stranded here?  [Pause]  I mean, are you in trouble?


Huana gives the Captain a thoughtful look, her eyes scan the bridge.  She opens her mouth but responds slowly, searching.



Well, yes and no.  I am restricted to this spot you call the Milky Way.


Everyone on the bridge exchanges meaningful glances.  Kim snorts.



I’ve heard our home galaxy called many things, never a spot.



Oh, I see.  You dwell here. [Cheerfully]


Huana is happy to gain insight and claps her hands. 



You must be very happy.  You have a beautiful home.


Chakotay gets excited.  He first turns to the captain, then to Huana pointing at a display of the galaxy, which he brings into existence on the screen with two quick stabs at the console.  The solar system is pulsating brightly and Chakotay points at it with his finger



Excuse me Captain.


The captain nods.  Chakotay turns to Huana


CHAKOTAY [cont.]

Tell me Miss Huana, can you tell us how we can get to there fast?


Huana looks at him puzzled her finger to her lips, and then she thinks she sees the humor and laughs merrily putting her hand to her cheek.



I like you.  You are so funny.  Wait till I tell.


Huana stops and puts her finger in her mouth, - and bites on it.


HUANA [cont.].

I mustn’t.


The captain becomes intrigued.  She steps to Huana with a questioning smile on her face.



Could we go there with you just for a moment?


Huana looks at the solar system in the display without comprehension.  NEELIX comes onto the bridge.  Neelix stays a good ten feet away from the visitor but circles her scratching his head.  He walks up to Huana smiles at her and looks around curious.



But you are practically there.



Our speed is insufficient for getting there fast enough.



Speed; [pause] what is speed?


Everybody on the bridge is amazed.  Chakotay waves his hands in frustration.  Neelix tilts his head at Huana.  Tuvok stares silently at Huana, except for two short looks to the captain.  The captain lifts her hand and bites her lip and looks around speechless for three seconds.



Any ideas anybody!  Mister Tuvok, Neelix, Chakotay?


The captain looks at one after the other.  Each in turn shakes his head.  Chakotay glances from Huana to Tuvok.



How did she get in?  [To Huana] How did you get in?


Huana is puzzled by the question.  She looks from Chakotay to the captain, then to Tuvok, and finally to Torres.  Torres leaves her station and walks to the bulkhead to the outside and acts as if she would walk through it.  Huana watches her with a friendly smile and waves at her as Torres looks back.  The captain shakes her head doubtfully and turns to Tuvok.



Mister Tuvok you found her.  Since she said she is sick, take her to sick bay and we’ll see what we can come up with to find an explanation.  Neelix have you any input on Miss Huana’s visit to us?


Neelix vehemently shakes his head scratching his neck.  Tuvok lifts his hand, palm up, to Huana and moves it towards the turbolift turning to walk to it.



Shall we go Miss Huana?


SFX                  Huana smiles at him nodding.  She follows Tuvok who enters the turbolift.  The door closes.  Huana walks through it looking back at the captain with a wave.  There are various gasps from the crewmembers, except the Captain and Neelix.



Captain, there are these fairy tales for children, nothing but fables.



I guess this tells us how she got on board here.


Neelix nods, his head tilting in defeat.



I think we’ll have to take another look at your fables Neelix.



It is said they use space or folds in space, to step from one place to another without regard for distance.  [Pause] But Captain it’s a fairytale, I guarantee it


Janeway looks at Neelix doubtfully shaking her head.



Neelix maybe you should be more careful with your guarantee’s.


Tuvok’s voice comes to the bridge.



OC       Captain.  Huana wants to leave.  She fears she is doing us harm. 



Tell her she is welcome to stay here and we are not in danger from her visit.  I mean it.  Be persuasive of our hospitality. 



Captain I am not good at diplomacy.  Can you send someone who is? 



I see your point Mister Tuvok.  Mister Paris I think this is your kind of job. 


Paris is not very happy with the assignment.  He puts on a face, rolls his eyes



Tom, this could be crucial to Voyager getting back to Federation space before we all have gray hair.  Not to forget, in time to find all our relatives and friends still alive.


Tom Paris’ face lights up, he nods with understanding and approval.  He gets up and leaves saying enthusiastically.



Yes Captain I’ll do my best.




Tuvok comes into the sickbay with Huana.  DOC ZIMMERMAN materializes.



What can I do for you?



Doc this is Miss Huana.  She said she is sick.  Can you help her?



Of course Mister Tuvok, that’s what I am here for.  You, Miss Huana, come over here and we’ll have a look at you.


Doc motions Huana to sit down for the check up.  She sits down.  He picks up a tricorder and proceeds to scan Huana.  The doc shakes his head.  He makes adjustments.  He gives Huana and then Tuvok an accusatory look. 



What is this, a joke.  I can not get any reading.  As far as I am concerned she doesn’t exist.


The doc is momentarily distracted when Paris comes into sickbay.  Paris turns to Tuvok.



I am here to relieve you Mister Tuvok.   [to doc] What seems to be the trouble doc?


DOC [sardonically]

What seems to be the trouble doc?



Thank you Mister Paris.


Tuvok acknowledges happily and leaves after touching Huana’s hand briefly in a farewell gesture.  The moment Tuvok touches Huana’s hand the tricorder lights up.  Docs’ face lights up.  He makes some adjustment on the tricorder nodding mollified.



There, now we are making some headway.  What we have is no big deal.  The little lady has a virus.


Doc turns to the dispensary picks a pill from the partitioned tray and gives it to Huana.  Huana looks at the pill without comprehension.  Doc nods at her.  Huana slowly takes the pill up to her mouth.



Take it. [He turns to Paris] what’s wrong with her?  She is not on my roster of the Voyager’s complement either.


Paris nods at Huana and she pops the pill down.  Doc touches his head.



Huana is a visitor from, we don’t know where.



That explains it.  Yet I see no record of entry.  How come?



She is of alien specie.  We simply don’t know yet.


DOC sarcastic

No kidding, you could have fooled me.


Doc is putting away his tricorder.



You are finished here Mister Paris.  Take her, in ten minutes she will be all right. 


Paris looks at Huana with wonder; not taking his eyes off her he waves to the doc and moves to the door followed by Huana.  He turns his head to Doc.



I’m in trouble Doc.  I am falling in love with her. 



Watch out for her pheromones.  She is a virtual sexpot.  The males of her specie are probably impotent. 


Paris and Huana are leaving.  Paris can’t take his eyes off her.  Huana takes his hand and gives him an amorous smile.  Doc shakes his head before he dematerializes.


PARIS [absentminded]

You don’t say.


SFX                  Paris touches his badge, still looking at Huana who is getting younger and prettier by the second as if she were responding to Paris’s admiration.



Paris to Captain Janeway, doc fixed her up.  What now?





The captain squints in thought.  She runs her hand up and down behind her ear.  Everyone has stayed on the bridge keeping busy and FIVE CREW are coming up.  Their attention is on the captain.  There is so much at stake; the tension is thick with head scratching, earpulling, neck rubbing, hand rubbing and finger tapping.  Tuvok walks on the bridge, he stares icily at the screen.



What ever you do, be hospitable.  Show her the ship.  Get her guest-quarters set up VIP style.  Entertain her.  Keep her happy Mister Paris.  Think, think, you are the man.


The captain looks around the bridge for support.  There are nods from Kim and Neelix, all the others stay concentrated on being busy except for Vorek.  He has his thumbs in his hands and holds them up squeezing as hard as he can while shaking them like dice.  The captain can not help but smile at his dance.



Captain.  So far she has not invoked noninterference.


The captain nods in agreement.



No Mister Tuvok, I agree, she has not. But we are not home yet by along shot.



I should mention Captain, it appears her defense system has the capability to shift attacks, namely phaserfire into the past.  This is how I believe the inexplicable firing of phasers on deck three was security shooting at our visitor an hour after Mister Chakotay experienced it.



I see.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense but it fits with the rest of the technology she has shown us.  I have to admit it.


DISSOLVE TO           



Paris is walking along with Huana hanging to his arm in a most amorous fashion.  She is feeling his biceps, rubbing her head against his shoulder and neck.  Now she nuzzles his ear and Paris breathes deeply.  They have arrived at the VIP section next to the captain’s cabin.  THREE FEMALE and ONE MALE CREW come out the door.  The last one goes with a nod for Paris.  The door is open.  Even Paris is surprised to see the size and elegance of the apartment.  He turns to her as they enter.


PARIS whistles

I guess they took a couple of walls down.


Huana has no eyes for it.  Paris has captured her full attention.  She puts her arms around his neck and slides her cheek to his cheek as the door closes.  Her dress comes undone and slides down revealing a body without tan marks.




Captain, Tuvok, Torres, Kim and Chakotay are seated Neelix brings drinks.



Well what have we got here.  Is this finally the opportunity to get home?  Any ideas?


Chakotay stirs his drink.  Tuvok sits stiffly.  Neelix sits down after giving the last cup to Chakotay.  He holds on to his excitement as best he can, opening and closing his mouth, pulling his fingers.



Captain I don’t quite see so much promise in this.  She, Miss Huana, looks as if she were lost.  How can we assume her to be capable to speed up our journey.  Is it reasonable to put faith in her when we cannot possibly fathom what her intent could be, if and when we can make her comprehend the reality of our dilemma?  Never mind the embarrassment.



I don’t see her as being helpless, just young and naïve perhaps.



Having what I should call control, or nearly so over your environment, a reasonably sized spot of it, as for example, our galaxy.  How would you learn to develop sophistication? 


Janeway scratches her neck twisting it right and left, then gives Chakotay a doubtful look.


JANEWAY (cont.)

Now as for young, I hesitate to ask Miss Huana her age when she has demonstrated lack of comprehension for our concept of speed.  What will her view be of our method of gauging time.


Neelix is very attentive while listening to the Captain and Chakotay



Captain I couldn’t agree more, and so far we have seen only how she is impervious to phaser fire, solid walls and even though we cannot see a conveyance, totally free movement is her forte.  Miss Huana’s lack of understanding of speed leaves us with an impossible explanation.



Except your fairytale Neelix. I think from what we have seen, it’s a highly probable explanation.


Neelix moves his hands in surrender.  Tuvok’s face lights up some.  He tilts his face up.



Computer how many persons on board of Voyager?



One hundred fifty-three.



Any change from this morning?



No change.


All four are silently looking at the tabletop.



So we are not even sure Miss Huana is on board.


Chakotay shakes his head with a wave of his hand in the general direction of turbolift and guest quarters.


CHAKOTAY [subdued]

Yep.  I’ll vouch for that.



                                    Intruder, intruder, intru.


The alarm cuts off in the middle of the word.  There is consternation around the readyroom.  The captain touches her badge.



Captain to bridge.  All right.  What is it now?


Harry Kim sounds embarrassed.  He coughs before he responds to the question.



Sorry, Captain, I guess Miss Huana has turned off her EMC cloaking device.


Chakotay nods his head with his usual sly grin.  The Captain watches him.  Neelix makes his most stupid face feeling left out.  Tuvok looks straight ahead.



All right what makes you smile like the cat that swallowed the canary?



I was curious if Miss Huana’s equipment would switch off when she takes her clothes off or not.


Neelix nods happily.



Yes, a very good question.



Gentlemen.  Oh well 


The Captain says the word reproachfully, stops right there.  With a pause and a wave of her hand she dismisses the reproach, then she finishes without further inflection.  Torres presses her lips together for two seconds before she bursts out.



I told you she was too pretty for my liking.



Mister Paris is doing his duty.  It’s very commendable.



I don’t buy it.  This technology of hers is not part of the suit.  It’s either inside of her or, I would bet on it, it’s a part of her.  In any case, I’ve got this awful feeling about her.  She can walk about the Milky Way, but she wouldn’t’ know how to teach us, any more then an eagle can teach us how to fly by flapping our arms.



She doesn’t look smart enough for any one to give her control of something she could lose.


The captain tilts her head right and left, then she shakes her head.



We allow people to have things, which are top technology, difficult to replace if lost.  What if?  Well let us not be discouraged.  We should be able to learn from her; that is if she stays with us for a reasonable length of time.



Yes, of course.  Besides it may only look high tech to us.



Yes precisely true.  It may be no more then a personal transport device.


The captain runs her tongue over her lips with a barely perceptible shaking of her head.



It is a frightening thought.  Where does that leave us?  With the whole Galaxy, which to us is a frightfully big and unwieldy place.



Does it mean that our Miss Huana has nothing to fear, no fear of the Borg, no fear; most of all no fear of us? 


Chakotay has listened, looking from one to the other, all around, ending up looking at the captain with a grim face.  The captain watches him.



First of all we can all forget about trickery.  Her controls could be telepathic or it’s neuron control across a synapse into a receptor neuron.  Next she has no understanding of speed, which spells instantaneous transportation.



I get your point.  Instantaneous transport means…, communication is faster than transport in every society and at every level of development we know of.  I am not going to mention what the implications are.  It is just too scary to contemplate.



You are of course referring to Doctor Feynman’s time diagrams.


All are nodding with understanding except for Neelix.  He is puzzled.



Is someone going to fill me in.  I seem to be missing something?


Neelix looks around the table perplexed.  He shakes his head, probes his ears, nose and rubs his hand.  Torres looks down at the table.



Time, Neelix, It’s about time. 



No!  No way. 





Huana is taking charge. She kisses Paris ans slowly undresses him. He follows suit. Soon they two are on the bed in a tight embrace that shows Paris getting more exited every moment. Huana mounts Paris and his deep breathing is all that can be heard. Huana gets up from the bed and when she has dressed again Paris can be seen now he is

SFX                  sitting in a hammock, which was not there when they entered the suite.  It is the identical hammock to the one in Huana’s bedroom.  Paris is wearing the most billowing pants but is barechested.  Huana is taking a shower while walking to the sculpture at the window, the shower follows her while she is moving.  Yet the floor is swallowing the water as she walks along. 

She stops at the statue, holds out her arms to let a robe flow onto her body.  Paris watches the shower with curious glances.  He opens his mouth, seeing the dry floor and the obedient shower following Huana is too much.  He closes his mouth without a word.  He opens his mouth to comment on the marvel of it.  He gives up without ever uttering a sound.  Huana touches and strokes the statue tilting her head.



You are the most beautiful and desire able woman I’ve ever seen.  It makes me feel like a fool to say this to you when we have barely met.  I love you in a way, with an intensity, which I thought could not exist.


The statue absorbs Huana’s attention.



It’s beautiful Tom.  I want one of you.


Paris sits up, opens his mouth to respond to her request when Huana turns and forms an open cup with her hands, ten inches apart.  A marble figure takes shape.  It is Paris, life size.  His fist comes up under his chin in surprise.  Huana turns to Paris slowly tearing her eyes away from the statue to look at him.



Tom.  Dear sweet Tom Paris.  I feel the same way about you.  I’ve never felt as deeply bonded and attracted to any person in my life.  I don’t know what I have done with my life without you.


Huana walks back to the hammock.  She leans down and kisses his nose, his cheek, his ear, his neck, his chin and his lower lip.  She traces the lines of his face, his ears and his arms.  Then she lies down on him embracing him rotating her lips against his mouth moving right and left and right while swaying her hips against his body.  Paris slowly raises his arms and embraces her.  After five seconds Huana gets up.



I don’t know how to tell you how much I feel I owe you.  If you ever have doubts just remember one thing.  I will always do what is best for you.


HUANA pauses, standing above Paris, her eyes looking deeply into his eyes.  She throws him a kiss before she continues.



And I will do it no matter what the cost.


FSX                  HUANA walks with a wave to him, to and through the wall and out of view.




Paris is dressed.  He touches his badge with one look at the room and hammock.



Paris to Captain Janeway.



Yes Mister Paris.



Captain I am afraid Miss Huana has flown the coup.  Or should I say, she has walked out on me.  I should add without so much as a good bye; and I mean walked out.



All activity on the bridge has come to a stop.



I am sorry to hear this, but I am sure you’ve done the best you could.  Under the circumstances I am afraid Miss Huana was, [pause] no, is a match for any one of us. 



Computer, how many on board?



                                    One hundred fifty-three.



Any change in the last ten minutes?



                                    Two departures.



Computer how many departures?



                                    Two departures.


Several crew have been making busy to see what is happening. They now shrug shoulders and close access-covers and put back housings and leave the bridge.



She is a fast worker, this Miss Huana.  I still say she is just too pretty.


Neelix scratches his cheek, then turns to Kes after giving a look around for an answer.



I seem to have missed it again.


Kes takes his head in her hands and kisses his head.



Oh Neelix.  Our dear Miss Huana got herself pregnant.


Neelix is pounding his head shaking it inspecting its proper function.



One came two left.  What’s wrong with me?  But she was here only eight hours.  Is this possible?



With Mister Paris, it obviously, is.


Kim scratches his arm looking from the captain to Tuvok.  He wags his head wisely.



What was this evaluation of her competence?  Miss Huana is naïve?  I think she came and she got what she wanted, while we were guessing how we could get a hold of her help and maybe her technology.


Paris comes on the bridge.  The captain sees him and turns to call some of her officers.



Mister Paris, Mister Tuvok, Mister Chakotay and Mister Kim.  For the woman’s insight Torres and Kes and Neelix so we have additional viewpoints with hopefully less of a Federation bias.  The conference room for a debriefing.


The named persons rise with the captain and file off the bridge to the conference room.  Chakotay puts his arm around Paris’s shoulder with a smile.  Kim smiles at Torres. 




Neelix stands aside for the women to enter.  The captain waves Paris to a seat opposite her so that the others flank her and Paris.  The captain doesn’t wait for them to get comfortable.  She starts talking before she sits down herself.



While I appreciate Mister Paris’ efforts, I would like to see us learn from this encounter.  I hope to see us improve our skill in dealing with a superior specie in the future.


There is a mix of commotion caused by the instant start as well as some amusement at the praise of Paris's effort.  Chakotay is impatient and cuts in the moment the captain stops and looks for comment.



Yes captain.  [To Paris] Mister Paris, since you were on the firing line so to speak.  Please let us delve into what you may have gleaned in the short hours you spent with the Miss Huana.  Rather then guide you with specific questions I suggest we let you take it from the top.


Paris spreads his hands on the table and slides them together looking at the table with a calm face.  Then he looks up at Chakotay and the captain with his lips moving right and left in contemplation.



Well, first off I should tell you how dealing with Huana was an experience beyond any I have ever had.  What’s more, it totally surpassed my wildest imagination.  To start with, she was in control of every action and thought to a level which, excuse me Captain, was beyond any I have ever observed from a commanding officer including you.  Yet I must admit I had no awareness of this until now, with hindsight and a chance to look at this tryst of Huana’s in retrospect.


The captain listens with concentration.  Torres leans forward with a smile and large eyes.  Neelix taps his fingers on the table.  Kim tilts his head speculatively.



A large statement from you Tom.  This must have been quite an adventure.



Go on Mister Paris.



Captain, only now do I find awareness of what really went on.  The experience of spending time with this woman was overwhelming in every phase, so much so, it overshadowed the reality.  I was taken by the hand by this woman and led like a child.  Yet I had the confident feeling of being an equal to her, moreover I, up to a moment ago, felt I was largely in charge.


Tuvok is staring at Paris with a grim face.



Mister Paris, even I have a problem with your statements.  At no time did Miss Huana display anything but cooperative helplessness.  I mean excluding of course her use of some very advanced technology.


Kim has been scratching his nose making faces expressing doubt, slight shakes of his head.



I don’t want to discredit your observations, but this hit and run Miss Huana demonstrated, I would file it in the category of fight or flight.



Now wait a minute Kim.  Just because she is a woman?



Yes, I agree with Kes.  What would any one of us do if we could come and go, as for example from and to the Alpha quadrant.  Would you rate it as a flight as in fight or flight, or as a reasonable outing to see relatives or perhaps shopping for some fresh veggies?


There is laughter and chuckles around the table.



I can already see we have some adjustments to make.  What else can you tell us Mister Paris?  Was there any conversation offering enlightenment? 


Paris turns thoughtful.  He stares out the window.



I really don’t know what to make of it.  She said


OC                                                       VOREK

Vorek to Janeway!  Captain we are picking up an anomaly aft at extreme range.  It is gaining on us.



All right, Mister Vorek, go to warp 9.975 for five minutes and see if we’ll lose it.  [Captain turns to Paris] you were saying? 



She said: I can not tell you how much I owe you.  If you ever have doubts, just remember one thing. I will always do what is best for you.  And I will do it no matter what the price.


Kim rubs his head slowly.



I wish I had a woman say those words to me.  What do we make of it though? 



The largest promise I have ever heard off.



Mister Paris, this is the riddle of the century, past and future.  It could mean anything.  There is no way to evaluate it since it comes from a culture whose values are unknown to us.


OC                                                       VOREK

Vorek to Janeway:  We can’t shake it.



All right, Mister Vorek.  Lower emissions and slow to warp six, so we can see what their intentions are.


The captain turns back to the group.



Let us treat this in the fashion of oracle inquiries.  Give the information we have exchanged here, some thought and we’ll meet here tomorrow.  You are free to discuss this matter among yourselves or bring questions and suggestions to me any time.  Let’s give it our best.  Thank you.


The Captain gets up and leaves, followed by the others.



Hoppel sits on a floating wooden chair watching Huana walk in through the clear wall.  He shakes his head at her at first then getting up stepping close to her he nods his head with approval.



First you worry me getting sick.  Then you improve and I decide to let you go about your merry business.  You go and stay away forever, till I feel I’ve neglected you.  Now you look perfectly fine as if you had never been sick at all.



But, cousin, I was only gone for less then a day.


Huana puts her fingers in front of her lips, rolling her eyes with a guilty look.



You’ve done it again, right?  You went and bothered a developing species.  And you went traveling with them so your time got all distorted.  I should be concerned.  I should be angry but you look so beautifully healthy, I can only say great. 


Huana laughs happily and throws her arms around Hoppel with fervor.  Hoppel steps back, freeing himself from her embrace, his eyes on her.  He pats her belly.



Well look at you.  You are pregnant! Wowee!  Good for you.


HUANA kisses his cheek and his hand, laughing and bubbling.



Isn’t it great?  I found this virile, stunningly beautiful man.  I’ve never seen a man so loveable in my life.


Hoppel watches her with a grin, shaking his head in disbelieve.



Impossible.  Let me take your temperature.  Who is it?


Huana dances about, she stops, bites her lip.  Her eyes are not meeting Hoppel’s.



You did it again.  Where do you always find these primitives?


TITUS, a bearded man who looks like an earthman of sixty, walks into the poolroom.  He wears sandals, white slacks and a loose shirt with puffed sleeves.  He scrutinizes Huana with a friendly, approving grin.



Good news Huana.  A boy no less.  The ladies are going to be so happy to have an addition to the ‘available males’ pool.